Ink formulation,scalable applications and challenging perspectives of screen printing for emerging p
Screen printing is regarded as a highly competitive manufacture technology for scalable and fast fabrica-tion of printed......
Efficient Monolithic Solid-State Mesoscopic Solar Cells Based on Full-Printing Technology and Carbon
Since the first report in 1991, dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have been recognized as a promising alternative to co......
Surface Modification by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma for Improved Adhesion of Ag Pattern Screen-print
Printed electronics have been highlighted as an emerging manufacturing technology to fabricate the electronic and displa......
Development of a Screen Printing Technique for Coating Catalysts into Microstructured Plate Heat-exc
In collaboration with Truma Geraetechnik GmbH, a leading European supplier of comfort equipment for recreational vehicle......
通过提高发射区方块电阻, 配合密栅线丝网印刷工艺, 制备了性能优良的多晶硅太阳电池。对比两种不同扩散工艺的方块电阻和ECV浓度,......
以石墨烯和钛酸丁酯为前驱体,在200 ℃下水热合成二氧化钛/石墨烯纳米复合颗粒,通过丝网印刷分别将其制备在掺氟SnO2透明导电玻璃(FT......
Li ions affect the upconversion efficiency by changing the local crystal field of the luminescent center. Herein, in ord......
通过调整斜角刮板刮印角度, 并匹配不同粘度和固含量银浆, 能够做到在降低成本的同时提高电池效率而又不影响电池片印刷质量。采用......
Efficient Monolithic Solid-State Mesoscopic Solar Cells Based on Full-Printing Technology and Carbon
Since the first report in 1991, dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have been recognized as a promising alternative t......
Conductive inks based on graphene materials have received significant attention for the fabrication of a wide range of p......
采用丝网印刷技术制备一次性薄片碳电极,并在此电极上进行化学修饰,于邻苯二酚-甲醛-NaOH溶液中,在-0.1 V~1.2V电位范围内,循环伏安法进行......